Another good tip. I went to the directory winnt/inf. The srchasst.inf file is not there. Perhaps that's the underlying issue?
I'm looking forward to a reply. Meantime, I'm going to poke around and see if someone else has one I can peek at. Will also search MS knowledge base.
Really great hint. The knowledge base listed my symptoms. The fix looked promising. I went through the steps documented in the fix. No luck. Any other ideas will be tried!
thanks much,
My Search for Files option on my menu does nothing. I do have an option to search using Outlook, which does work, and searching works from Windows explorer, but searching via the start -> search for files path is inoperable, except for the outlook option. No messages in the event log, no dialog...
First off, thanks again for all the good ideas.
I agree that the inittab is for a UPS. the box could also get an SNMP shutdown event one way or another to trigger this.
I've disconnected the serial connection, and I'm pinging the box once an hour. It's now up for 7 days, so I'm beginning to...
I checked /etc/inittab and found:
p3:s1234:powerfail:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i5 -g0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
again, on one line.
So there is a shutdown enabled if a powerfail event is detected. Do you think that's the cause of the shutdown? a Powerfailure?
Thanks so much for getting back to me. I checked /etc/power.conf, and the last row is:
autoshutdown 30 9:00 9:00 noshutdown
It's on one line, with no continuation. My background is HP-UX, and we had no autoshutdown on the servers I managed. So I'm...
I have an Axil (Sun Clone) running Solaris 6 with a Sybase SQL server on it and an external RAID. It periodically shuts down to the boot prompt for no apparent reason. Nothing in /var/adm/messages at all that indicates any issues. It does not have a frame buffer, keyboard, mouse or monitor...
I'm going to work on this today, and let you know what I find. I can't believe I got an answer so fast! Thank you so much for the assistance.
First off, thanks for any responses at all! I have a Sun Enterpise Ultra 2 clone running Solaris 5.6 with a Sybase SQL server on it. It should be running the power management daemon, but when it trys to start I get the message:
# /usr/lib/power/powerd
/usr/lib/power/powerd: shmget: Invalid...
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