I have created a Form that lists the Name of a company which is listed in a General Information table. I then made a subform for my financial information table that is related. The problem occurs when I attempt to enter the information. The subform does bind to the general information form it...
I am having trouble with how I should relate these tables:
Table One contains general information about a company and table two contains insurance enrollment information. Sometimes there are multiple entries of the same company in the insurance table, but only a single can exist in the general...
Disregard that last reply. I think it would be alot easier if I just made a table with a notes field and a combo with all the certification values. Thanks for all of your help!
Thanks for your help! I changed my table structure and am attempting to do a data entry form. Would I do a subform inside of another subform? The thing I cannot figure out is how to have the notes correspond to multiple fields on each certification. Right now I have one notes field per record.
Ok, that works. But when it comes to the report how should I go about only displaying the fields that are not empty, the main problem being formatting. I could use the visible property and change it on print, but that would leave many of blank spaces on the report.
Yes, I don't think it normalized either. What I am attempting to do is to be able to allow the user to enter notes for each check separately. I didn't know how to work the relationship so I just made a notes field for each checkbox.
What I have is a table with yes/no fields, with notes fields that correspond to each of the yes/no fields. These two fields are related to a Company name in another table. I am attempting to make a report to display the yes/no fields with their corresponding note boxes for each company, but I...
I created a series of If statements in VBA that detects the current quarter. It is a text field with format 99/99/00 - 99/99/00 and I need to find a place to make sure it calculates every time the database is accessed. I am doing this in order to compare to another date field which is formatted...
I have data that needs to be changed based on the date that the report is accessed, but I cannot figure out how to change the data in the OnFormat event. Ex.
If Now = #07/07/2007# Then [New]= -1 End If
That works wonderfully! I am only having one problem. I am putting the assigning of the question marks into the lost focus event of another text box.
If IsEmpty(Name1) = False Then
Contract1.Tag = "?"
GCCM1.Tag = "?"
DateCompleted1.Tag = "?"
End If
Then on the AfterUpdate event of the form I...
How would I go about making text boxes required to have a value not equal to null according to other values entered on the form.Ex. If field1 equals 1 then make field2 not not able to receive null.
What I have is a series of records sorted by the company and then whether it is a New enrollment or not. I am attempting to make a summary below all the records that tells the totals of the records based on the date the agreement was effective. In the form I was able to identify each affective...
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