Since the order number is repersented by different names in each database (for example "ordernumber" and "ornumber") and the ordernumber in database 1 may also include a revision number (12345-01) can they be linked?
OK I'm a clueless newbee when it comes to Crystal but is this possible.
I have a report that gives me some information based on date that including order numbers.
I also have a second report (on a different data base) that breaks down the order into different zones to be delivered based on...
Unfortunately, Zelandakh, the security required goes beyond just shares. Someone else, on a different forum, suggested using “open directory” off our Apple server. I’ve just started to research it but might this be the solution I am looking for? Does anyone have a good resource about “open...
Thanks for the info Mark.
I know the problems with 98 (this isnt my first AD) and thoes machines will be going away soon.
The biggest problem is with the older Apple OS's - I just dont see a way with thoes will work with AD. Upgrading would be too cost prohibitive. (little to no budget this year)
I am new to the forum so please have patience with me. In my environment we have both Apples and PCs as well as Apple Servers and NT servers. Being the new guy here I have been thrown into the Sarbanes-Oxley issue of getting all the computers to comply with the security issues. What I would like...
I am new to the forum so please have patience with me. In my environment we have both Apples and PCs as well as Apple Servers and NT servers. Being the new guy here I have been thrown into the Sarbanes-Oxley issue of getting all the computers to comply with the security issues. What I would like...
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