The LAN icon has a yellow thing on it when connected to the network saying limited or no connectivity. Every diagnostic thing I've run has said that the NIC is working properly, but again if this was the case shouldnt I be able to connect another computer to it via networking cable and...
@ShackDaddy, I have already tried to assign a static IP address and it did not work.
@Mark, I plugged my lappy into the network cable just to see if I could ping the server / if the server could ping the lappy (which both could). I have not tried the speed and duplex thing you suggested so I...
Thanks Mark for the help.
No I cannot ping anything from the new dell. However, I can hook up the old computer and just for grins my laptop computer on the same network cable and both are able to ping the server. So the cable works; just the new dell does not.
Here are the ipconfig /all's you...
Ok here is the deal, I am trying to help this church with getting their new dell computers added to their server. There are 7 total computers. Well we disconnected one of them and set up the new dell computer. The new computer has the exact same computer name as the old one did. We were just...
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