hi. I am workin on a little webpage and i have several pictures on it. When i publish the file, noone of the images work. I uploaded all the images and swf. files but still none of them show up on the page. If i veiw each one seperately from the file manager, they show up fine, but not on the...
Im working on this audioplayer that i downloaded. The design has the 'next track button' so that it goes to the next music track in the library. I dont know how to link my music so that when you hit the 'next track button' it plays the song i want. what do i have to do so that it works that way.
hi. i was addind some music to one of my clips. There are 2 mps i am adding which together take up about 5 megs. The file without the music is about 500kb. When i save the file it turns out to be around 65 megs. why in the world is that happening? i cant open that file after that, flash just...
I know how to upload my mp3s ot the web. i was wondering if anyone knows how i can make a link so that it plays the mp3s as streaming music. Can anyone help. Thanks.
Hello. I have some sigs that were made by Photoshop. Does anyone know how i can add a link wich will give the person the option to turn on the music. And the music is off by default.
Well.. i was making a favorite links page. I just put in text like www.ign.com. Then i highlighted it and clicked on make link. Then at the bottom where it says URL, i typed in www.ign.com. When i i test the page, the link dont work. Im pretty sure im doing the wrong thing. whats am i doing...
Hi. I made a simple clip that i need for a project in school. Im not sure how im suppose to publish it and where to publish it. If someone could please give me steps to follow i would appreciate it. IS geocities a good place to publish? please help if you can. Thanks
I am new to using flash and i only know how to animate normal text. Can i get some textures for my text, such as words on fire and stuff? Or lightning in the background?
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