Thank you for the idea. We have learned something since I last posted. During the delay, the request is not even making it to the iwr server. It appears that the upfserver.exe is spiking in cpu usuage during the 45-60 second delay. When the delay is over, you begin to see the status...
We are running Cognos Series 7 MR1 in a distributed server environment. I explain the environment a little more below. The problem we are having is that a user can run an IWR report and receive excellent response time. In fact they are receiving their report within 12 secs. Then the user...
Has anyone attempted to launch the Windows Common Logon Server for a user to logon before another Cognos Tool is launched?
We are wanting to use the Cognos Basic Signon with Access Manager. (There are cost reasons why we are not using NT Challenge and Response.) I want to launch the Windows...
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