Many thanks, ROWCOUNT was exactly what I needed. However, I am still a bit confussed between variables and bind variables. I had to setup my statement as the following to make it work:
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myValue > 0;
:count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Hi. Thanks for the help. Could you show exactly how to do the row count? Im kind of new to SQL so I dont know the exact syntax.
Lets say I was doing:
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myValue > 0;
How do I count the rows deleted after this?
Thanks so much.
I want to turn a spool file off / on and have it concatenate to the same file while I am running my SQL queries. Is this possible? Cant find this anywhere in my $100 Oracle guide...
Also, how can I store the Number Result of a Delete query into a variable?
Thanks so much.
Ok, I am assuming the SavitchIn.java is your own class. You will first have to compile this to make it a class.
Do "javac SavitchIn.java"
Once that compiles successfully and creates the "Savitch.class" file, you are ready to import on your other main file. Simply do...
Importing is done like "import myOtherClass;" at the of your file. for example, to use the java applet class (this is from the java library) you would have:
import java.applet.Applet;
public class HelloWorldApplet
For classes that you made, just make sure those classes...
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