I have a wrapper script that I call, passing a number of parameters ...
wMFM.sh -p 83 -w '20041001 18550900' -r 83 '-a -nls _.UTF8'
parameter names -p, -w and -r are always present. -a is a list of additional parameters that may be used. If I echo the count of parameters I get 7 since the...
I am looking to set an environmental varibale in a one liner that I will present to the operating system from a program. I need to find the 32 bit CRC checksum of a file, the UNIX for this would be...
cksum file.ext
Simple enough, except that this returns several columns of data, I know...
Ah well, actually I missed some lines out from the above post. In between the reading of the header line and the writing to the other file I also do some additional verification and validation on the contents of COMP_LINE before writing it to the file. Otherwise yes, I could have done it like...
I use the below commands in a script to extract the header line from a file, remove the first couple of zeros and then write the value to another file.
hdrLine=`head -1 $REF_FILE`
echo $hdrLine | sed s/"00"//g | read COMP_LINE
The problem I have is that...
I have an AWK script within a unix script. Within the AWK script I wish to evaluate the value of a price column $5 based on the value in a rec type column $4 to try to determine if the price is equal to the minimum price for this call type.
I have an Oracle table that stores minimum prices...
I wish to run some ftp commands from a shell script. I thought that this would be easily done with the following...
ftp -inv $IP <<-ENDFTP >$DIALOG
cd /home/user1/log
Had some trouble getting the -v FILEOUT="$TEMPSQL" working, but then tried nawk instead of awk and it was fine after that.
Thanks for the help.
I have a unix script which produces the following pl/sql file on the fly before running it...
set serveroutput on
errValue NUMBER;
errValue := IPGPPP.insertAuditTrailRecords(1,0,'&&1','&&2','&&3','&&4',6,1639054);
I want to return the errValue to the Unix...
I have a requirement to do the following within a Unix script: read an input file and for certain lines get a value from the line to sum it ( after using sed to remove the quotes from the values). Then after all lines have been read I write an audit record to an oracle database by calling a...
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