OK, while I'm still getting pretty bad read speeds on the network as a whole, it looks like the main issue here was on clients that were running Avast Anti-Virus. Several of the real-time scans needed to be tweaked to prevent office files from slowing to a crawl on opening. Thanks for the...
Here's another issue...some files will eventually open if you wait long enough...they almost always pop up with a message that says the file is locked for editing by whatever user. That user does NOT have the file open and file sessions on the server does NOT list the file under open files...
Thanks for the responses.
It doesn't seem to be a DNS issue. Mapping right to the IP of the server results in the same issue.
The office validation tool fix didn't apply to this either.
Another symptom is that sometimes explorer will crash entirely while trying to open a network file.
Multiple clients (but not all) can't open files (xls, and doc) on a share located on a Windows 2003 server. Files open on the server locally without issue. Files as small as 16kb will launch the program they should open in, let's use an excel file as an example, so excel (2007)launches, and...
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