Here is a query that I use to access this function:
CROSS APPLY dbo.ParseValues(G.peramt,';')F
WHERE G.Cono=1 AND G.yr=9
I want another column in the temp table called Mnth...
yes, but does the ID column reset each time a new @string is looked at? That's what I need for each @ string that's looped through I need the Month field to reset and begin at 1 again until that field is delimited, then reset to 1 again for the next field.
I have a field that has 13 values in it separated by a semi-colon. Each value = a month, the 13th is for year-end adjustments. The table housing this field is stored in a PROGRESS database, I'm using the following SQL function to split these values into unique rows. I have SQL 2005...
This isn't stored in a SQL Server, it's in a progress database. So I'm trying to pull it out of the progress database and put it into a SQL database in the correct format (one column for each value). I don't know WHY the progress one is set up that way, but there are a lot of tables like that...
PeriodAmt is a column in the referenced table and I'm assuming by reading the code listed in the FAQ I copied this piece from that the S.Value is the identifier that matches the G.RowID.
I've read the FAQ on this site for the Split function, I want to take a field that has 13 different values delimited by a semi-colon. These values are for each month and one for adjustments. I need to have this split out as such:
Field Currently:
RowID Title
Yes I did run the create statment and I can see the function in my object explorer. If I run the following
SELECT * FROM splitWords('9;8;7;8;9;7;8;8;99;9;8;7')
I get records returning as they should but when I use
SELECT G.CoNo, G.GLDivNo, master.dbo.SplitWords(G.peramt) as 'Something'
Thanks, that website did have the function that I needed. But I still don't know how to get the results returned. I assumed it would be simple like:
SELECT G.CoNo, G.GLDivNo, SplitWords(G.peramt) as 'Something'
But when I check the syntax I get an error
Msg 195...
I'm using SSRS 05 to report on a progress database via ODBC connection through MS Access. There is a field in the dataset I'm using that is formatted like this (1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1). Each value is a month worth of sales, I need to split this field for viewing in a matrix control. I've got a small...
Hello to all,
I am using ActiveXperts Active Socket product to open a telnet session from our Intranet page to reset a user account on our UNIX box. I followed the instructions at exactly on our domain controller. I'm logged in as administrator. I...
Doesn't matter really it is VB, I just need to know if there is a way in Crystal reports to do ;
Select fieldvalue where fieldname = groupbox9
because the if statement you gave me won't work i don't think. I want to always display the fieldvalue for fieldname groupbox9.
table info:
That helps me on some of the other fields that I have but not this one in particular.
GroupBox9 contains three radio buttons each with a different text value. I want the text value displayed in the report field. Is there a way to do that? Or do I need to change my code?
this is the code that...
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