Is it possible in Dynamic PL/SQL to get a cursor from a cursor handle.
For e.g
I get a value of say 4 or any other number for the cursor handler v_CursorID.using this value I need to pass a cursor(Active data set) to any other application.In a nut shell my...
Hi All,
This is my code for the Dynamic PL/SQL.The Problem in the code comes at the PARSE Statement.It gives an error saying
Error ORA -00936 misssing expression.I have a stong feeling that it has some error in the last UNION statement of the select query(may be at the line...
Hi All,
I am using Dynamic PL/SQL in my procedure.My question is how do I pass a cursor out of this Procedure.
e.g ProcedureA(curs1 OUT etc).
In Dynamic PL/SQL when we open a cursor we get a cursor Handle instead of a cursor.
I get only an integer value for...
Hi All,
I am using Dynamic PL/SQL in my procedure.My question is how do I pass a cursor out of this Procedure.
e.g ProcedureA(curs1 OUT etc).
In Dynamic PL/SQL when we open a cursor we get a cursor Handle instead of a cursor.
I get only an integer value for...
str1 varchar2(100);
str2 varchar2(100);
str3 varchar2(100);
statemen varchar2(100);
type rectype is record (a ErrorLog.Error_id%type,b ErrorLog.time_stamp%type, c ErrorLog.file_name%type,d ErrorLog.parameter%type,e ErrorLog.error_code%type,f ErrorLog.procedure_id%type,g...
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