For the "for comand" the separator is blank
you can try to use the read comand like this
exec 3</pathname/filename
while read -u3 lines
echo $lines
grep "$lines" bla bla bla ( don't forget double quotes )
i'm not really shure ( ==> it must be checked )
parameters in the crontab :
"minute hour" "number of the day" "number of the month" "number of the week" "script name"
to start at friday 13 08:00 my script
00 08 13 * 5 my script
new_var=`echo $var | sed -e "s/\¨/ /g`
sed command :
-e as editing
s as subttitude
\¨ : the slash indicate that don't interpretate ¨
/ / : second patern
g as global if the patern appears more than one time
make shure than you using good executing kote ( alt gr ` spacebar )
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