FD_SETSIZE value has nothing to do with the maximum open file descriptors... FD_SET macro accepts values up to 1024 only... select manipulates file descriptors as bits so we can think that the actual size is only 128 (128 * 8 bits = 1024 bits)... i need to increase this value in order for FD_SET...
good day! i have a problem regarding the select( ) function... i opened more than 1024 sockets and used FD_SET( ) macro before using select( ) but it seems that when the maximum file descriptor opened reaches more than 1024 it resets to -1. i think this has something to do with the FD_SETSIZE...
hi guys... can anybody help me find a way to speed up the process of clearing logical IPs? i have a program that creates a thread and adds up a logical IP, creates 4 sockets for each thread and bind it in that IP... until i add up to 2,000 logical IPs (so 8,000 sockets and 2,000 threads all in...
hi guys... i badly need your help... i wanna know the maximum number of logical IPs that a SOLARIS 2.6 (SunOS 5.2) can support or handle... in SOLARIS 2.5 i can only add 255 logical IPs... i need to add more (about 2,000) so upgraded the system to 2.6... can anyone answer this question for me...
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