Thank You so much for your help. This really is a great place......
The /usr/dt/bin/dtconf -e command returned :
desktop autostart enabled
The /usr/openwin/bin/openwin command returned:
/dev/db: Is a directory
Graphics Adapter device /dev/fb is of unknown...
The "It has been working ok, until recently" part of my original post means I have been seeing errors. I have since found out those errors were caused by not empting out the Access and Errrors log files. I have learned to do that now with out a graphical interface. If someone can...
I'm sorry I was not clear. The box works fine. I do not have a graphic interface any more and do not know enough about Unix to get it back or maintain the system without it.
The box is running Netscape SuiteSpot, Our proxy server, mail server and a few other services. The $8000 offer came from...
Anybody know a Unix / Sun expert in the Tulsa area ???
I am an admin for an airline company (small but international) I got this job 6 months ago. The entire system (9 servers running Novell,NT, W2K and Unix, went down due to a power outage. The Unix Box lost the GUI and who knows what else. It...
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