one more question:
what about I wanna remove second and the last :
I've tried this doesnt work
awk -F ":=" '{x=$3;gensub(/*/,"",2,x);sub(/*$/,"",x);print x}'
Thanks man
Thx PHV,
but what about using awk, because what I'm doing like this :
echo "[Nov 09 10:10:31] DONE[1] := 1 := *generic.sh*5*" | awk -F ":=" '{print $3}' | sed 's/\*//1;s/\*$//'
I want to remove the first instance and last instance,
so if I can use awk, that would be neater script..
Thx man
Hi guys,
I just wanna remove the last instance (*) of value :
the original value is :
I have tried :
echo "*generic.sh*5*" | sed -e 's/\*//'
But it didnt work, any idea ??
Hi guys,
I would like to run my script between time 12.00-17.00
The script could be like this
while [[ "$(date +%H%M)" -ge "1200" ]] && [[ "$(date +%H%M)" -le "1700" ]]
check directory dir
for file in *20061017
if $file hasnt loaded
load.ksh $file...
Hi guys,
I need help to run my script from particular point,
at the moment my script contain children scripts and looks like this :
if[ $return_code -ne 0 ];then
exit $return_code
if[ $return_code -ne 0 ];then
exit $return_code
if[ $return_code -ne 0...
Thanks Anni,
But dont worry then, I run out the time to test it ..
If I use this script to load it takes 27 mnts.
But if I use wait it loads around 51 mts.
So, there's something wrong with that matching command...
Anyway, could you please help me in my new thread thanks ...
Hi Anni/All,
Thanks for top explanation, I got real total cpu thx.
Now, I wanna ask about my script
for file in `ls trade`
[load command] $file > log$file 2>&1 &
while [[ $(ps -eo comm | grep "loadcommand" |wc -l) -ge 3 ]]
sleep 5
$ top '?'
top: Unknown argument `?'
usage: top -hvbcisqS -d delay -p pid -n iterations
same Anni, yeah they are running in the same OS and version of top, and I think it's in one server
because i typed it in server 01.
top version :
procps version 2.0.17
OS :
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)
There is no top I dude,
$ top I
top: Unknown argument `I'
usage: top -hvbcisqS -d delay -p pid -n iterations
hmmm, strange isnt it?
Hi Anni,
I found somethin interesting in my other server here, this is my big server which has link to other 4 server (20 cpus) and the other one is small one which has 1 server with 4 cpus.
I checked the top in, it says like this :
19:52:24 up 58 days, 23:18, 2 users, load average: 2.13...
Sorry man, I dont understand this.
Can you give me any example ?
One more question, what's the best book you recommended for me to buy for korn shell ?
And also for perl ?
I used to learn perl, but now I already forgot
Thx man
Hi Anni/All,
I want to change the "wait" to others but I'm not sure whether it's gonna work.
Here's my script:
for file in `ls trade`
[load command] $file > log$file 2>&1 &
while [[ $(ps -eo comm | grep "loadcommand" |wc -l) -ge 3 ]]
sleep 5
Hi Anni,
I think I ended up using your command,
$( ps -eo comm | grep "${SEARCHSTRING}" | wc -l )
cause it waits, using "jobs -p" doesnt wait, why ?
If I have 17 files, it loads 17 files at a time ???
which is not good ?
Any explanation why ?
Hi SamBones,
is this correct ?
while (( $(jobs -p|wc -l) >= 3 ))
Cause I tried to type manually in shell :
this parameter didnt produce the value.
$(jobs -p|wc -l)
but this one yes :
$(jobs -p) | wc -l
Anyway, I put my script like this :
while [[ $(jobs -p|wc -l)>=3 ]]
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