Hello - using Crystal 2008 for this report.
I have a report where I am pulling in 4 copies of the same table in order to display a hierarchy. There are 4 levels of hierarchy being displayed on the report from these alias tables. I need to pull two fields (Name and Tax_ID) of information from...
We are looking to have a form display certain information from a table, based on the data entered in the previous field. For example:
Employee: Joe Employee
Organizational Unit: Operations
Department: IT
We want just the 3 departments under Operations to show in the drop-down while on...
...these errors prior to an extract being taken. We are currently looking for results to be returned in the select expert using the following:
like ["*!*", "*#*", "*$*", "*%*", "*(*", "*)*", "*-*", "*,*", "*.*", "*:*", "*`*", "*~*", "*+*", "*=*", "@"]
I was just wondering if there was...
I have to check each month to see if they made the criteria. If they meet the age 55-64.99 at anytime during this time period, I need them to appear on the report. It's not set to 55 for 7/1/09 and 64.99 for 6/30/11, it needs to be evaluated every month.
I know I probably did this the long way, but I made a formula for each month in the time period (24 of them!) and put them in my select expert like suggested above with an or for each month:
{@AgeFormula} in 55 to 64.99
The age limits are at between 7/1/2009-6/30/2011. If they are between 55-64.99 at any point during this time period, I need them to show. Each month needs to be checked and if they go over 64.99 during this time period, I would still want them to appear. If they are not 55 on 7/1/2009 but turn...
I am currently using Crystal XI.
I need to pull employees who are between the age of 55 and 64.99 between the time period of 7/1/2009-6/30/2011. If they reach this age at any time or go over 64.99 during any time during this time period, I will need them on my report.
We have been using this report and found another scenario where it does not appropriately count. If the employee has a membership line effective 11/1/2003 and terminates on 7/31/2008 and then they add another membership line effective 8/1/2008 with no termination date (happens for various...
Wow! Thanks so much LB! This works slick! I was just about to give up and try to get someone to program this outside of Crystal!! Have a great weekend :)
Thanks lbass...I am still having a problem where it will not count someone if they have become effective after the starting date of the parameter.
For example:
Joe Q. Employee is effective 7/1/2009 with no termination date. We are wanting counts for each month starting with 1/1/2009. He does...
I am using Crystal XI and need to pull in counts for each month in a 12-month period. The 12-month period can be different each time it is run.
The data is entered with an effective and termination date to capture eligibility.
Here is an example of how someone can be in they eligibility...
I apoligize if this is already a thread, I searched but couldn't find exactly what I need.
I am using Crystal XI and would like to create a formula for a date field to convert to mm/dd/yyyy from m/d/yyyy.
I am looking to evaluate it against another database to determine if there is a keying...
I am using Crystal 8.5 and XI.
I need to display records that certain field data in not in Upper case. Examples are below:
125 Main Street
98 Salem Street
I would like the results return:
125 Main Street
98 Salem Street
I am using Crystal 8.5 and XI.
I would like to display a field in my report that displays the text after the "-" in the field. Here are some examples:
Field Data Formula should display
JYMC-M$1 M$1
C100MC-M$1P M$1P...
Here is the SQL...I should not that this is for an insurance member conversion and it has to be in a fixed field lenghth format. If a field does not contain the fixed width, it must be filled with blanks at the end.
SELECT Conversion_Sub_KimTest.RecordType, Conversion_Sub_KimTest.SubRefID...
We have a query to export to text using fixed width. The query is using 3 tables and is 9,134 characters per record. It allows us to run the query, but when we try to export it we get the error "Record is too Large." Any thoughts on how we can get the data out of Access in the fixed width...
I have a table of data that I want to run a query against to insert a running total column based on a field in the table (Member ID).
Example of the column data would be:
Member ID Benefit Plan Date
I want to have a running total on a reoccuring Member ID. Example of...
I am using Crystal 8.5 and need to change the format of a date time field to a specific format. I can do it within the report, but when it is exported to Access it loses its format.
Here is the current format
11/1/2006 12:00:00AM
I need to format it in a formula to
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