I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I get the same total numbers in all three group footers as I do in the report footer. Those numbers are correct for the report footer. But, in group 1, there are 4 records. Two have values of '9', so are disregarded. One has a '1', and another has a '2'...
I am trying to generate three values based on the possible outcomes for a variable (fred): 1: count of all values where fred=1. (1=yes)
2: count of all values where fred <>9 (9=not applicable)
3: percent of all values for fred where fred=1 divided by all values where fred<>9.
Here is my...
Hello Lonnie,
Thanks for replying. However, my problem is that I was doing just that and went under 'options' in the dialogue box. While there, I did not mean to hit 'okay' to option 2 there, but, well, I did. So now my 'sandstone' looks like 'blends' and the actual 'sandstone' option that...
I accidentally updated my autoform styles such that 'sandstone' is now 'blends'. I hit 'okay' when the radial button for 'Update Sandstone with values from the form 'name of my form.'' How can I get the 'sandstone' style for a form back? Surely there is a way to restore 'sandstone' to it's...
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