The script must wait some arguments or parameter according this telnet session over TARGET.
For example my script in PHP:
cat Dispatch_pre.php
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
function traer_archivo()
$conn_id =...
HI PHV, Do You can help me with this issue?
In directory DIR1 I have a FILE1.txt which is being updated in diferent times. And when this file is new, MySession execute all commands included in this FILE1.txt.
I need keep alive this sesion to this specific port. How I can get it?
Thanks a lot.
Hey Guys,
I need your timely help!
I need establish a telnet session in one device, and keep alive this connection and performe some commands over this seesion.
How I can develop this script in order to connect to my 2device?
I have FILE1
I need check if this file exist and if it exists I need perform something with each line starting with #MOBILE, because later FILE1 will be removed and created with other different datas. And script must be checking if FILE1 exist.
How I can setup last script...
I modified myscript but when it perform read LINE command, dont work, it stay in standby state, look
AA=`date +'%Y'`
MM=`date +'%m'`
DD=`date +'%d'`
tail -f $ruta/alert_atel.log...
Hey SamBones, I need your help again.
I need read line by line a File, and when match some info with grep then does something, why: i.e.
tail -f File1.lis | while read LINE
error=`grep "something on LINE" LINE`
if [ -n $error] then
#print LINE which match error...
I change the script in typo's and add new info
print "submit\n$MOBILE\n\n5710000001\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$MSG\ny\nexit\n\"|
sms_operator >/dev/null 2>&1
but have problems with 35 line. why?
[smsadm@smsbog]$vi data3...
PHV, i have other issues, please review this info. Thanks a lot.
[smsadm@smsbog]$sh -x data3
+ alias SMOperator=sms_operator
+ path1=/usr/EBS/ADCSoftware/smsadm/Alex
+ awk -F, {
printf "ip[%d]=\"%s\";inf[%d]=\"%s\"\n",NR,$1,NR,$0
When I run script, i can see an error at line 4
[smsadm@smsbog]$sh -x data3
+ alias SMOperator=sms_operator
+ path1=/usr/EBS/ADCSoftware/smsadm/Alex
data3[4]: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 4 : `(' is not matched.
I have some problems. I use KSH and have problems with 2 variable, why:
if [ -z $a ]
if [ -n $a ]
How I can configure these 2 lines:
May be $a must be "$a",
a => some characteres
and I need know when $a is different to 0 and equal to 0 in long of chars, in order to check...
PHV Ok It looks good, thanks a lot, but i have one problem in myscript with some variable (ARRIBA=1), is it possible you can check and tellme why dont works 2nd part of my script when IP add is down and get UP.
Thank you...
PHV thanks a lot. I vahe this info
cat ip_add.txt , VoiceMail , Avisor Internet SMS Comtor , Avisor Operadora Teledatos , Avisor Operadora Teledatos , PC Alex
And I need get 1st field (IP add) SUCCESSFUL, and
get all line IPADD +...
How I can create a function that read line by line a file, and this data can be included in other script and performed activity, then continue with 2nd line.
FILE 1 Hola Mundo
FILE 2 Script
get file 1 column 1 =
execute something with
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