Thanks for the update!
I am using the Jet Engine 4.0. Does jet 4.0 have different parms than jet 3.5?
I wanted to use an SQL extract from the code rather than a stored proc. SInce I want
multiple records would I need to get them all from the cursor for display purposes?
Also, what is...
This is simple I hope. I have ben using ADO to extratc and add data to tables. I also have a quote app I am writing. The DB is Access. I have a quote header table and a quote item table.
How would I use ADO to extract the one to many (header to items) and present this all one one form...
I am a new VB 6.0 programmer. How would I use ADO to get data from an Access database. I have a custname table a quote table and a quote item table. This is a one to many relationship. How would I get all the quotes for 1 customer? How would I get all the items for one quote?
Do I need to...
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