Is it possible to have a calculated field showing then number of days that a task is ahead of or behind schedule?
For instance a tasks duration is 10 days long. The task started 5 days ago and the task if 60% complete. The field should show 1 day ahead of schedule.
Thanks, works great. The task could be almost anything. For instance a cement company is pouring floors but due to other commitments the cement company could only allocate 1 truck for theeach of the first 6 weeks, the last 2 weeks they have unlimited trucks available etc..
Is there any way to enter a non linear task in MSP? In other words, if I have a task that lasts 8 weeks and 15% of the work is going to be done during each of the first 2 weeks, 5% per week for the next 4 weeks and the remainder divided amongst the last two weeks.
If this was entered normally...
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