Thanks for your interest and your help.
1. I re-installed Builder 6.0 and that made no difference.
2. I started over (fortunately I wasn't terribly deep into this project) and it has cured many problems. Another malfunction I had was with defines working. There were probably even...
I've got some major problem. That code SHOULD execute with either the shortcut or clicking on the menu item but it doesn't. I get NO code execution with a simple buttonClick, either. Some code works, some code does not. Maybe that's why I cannot debug properly such as F4 "execute to this...
Here's a piece from a menu that uses a shortcut that won't execute at all (caption doesn't change):
void __fastcall TF1::mnuEditNewSrchClick(TObject *Sender)
Button1->Caption = "HERE";
Thanks for your assistance. I didn't know about this function of the IDE. It is in FULL DEBUG mode. I've just tried different things and it makes no difference.
Yes, the code is being executed (mostly). I can see that a function is being called by the intended results but when I imbed...
I can't get it to do much of any debugging.
I'd start with F4 (run to cursor) but it doesn't stop.
There are a host of other problems, too.
Any ideas (maybe I should re-install) ?
Many thanks for the tutorial - it has opened up a whole lot of flexibility for me while I re-write my INVOICES program.
Last thing: how do you open the "CODE" window when you post a reply ?
Cheers !
Thanks for your assistance. #1 worked fine (you already knew that!).
For #2 I get a "not accessible" error. I've read the help on this error but I don't understand it.
1. I have a TDBGrid that loads a bunch of records. When it's done, it shows the first record at the top of the window. I wish to code it to move to the last record in the list. I could either set the focus on the last record or move the scroll bar. Suggestions ?
2. When I click on a row, how...
-after you use the MessageBox you need to clear the original (wrong) text and set the focus back on the edit box for new input:
TextBox1->Text = ""; // sets it to 'nothing'
TextBox1->SetFocus(); // waits for input at the box (again)
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