I wrote about a web page running a Stored proc that kicks off a DTS package earlier. We abandoned the process and instead set a trigger on insert to a table that runs the Stored proc.
The issue now is if you insert data into the table with the trigger the dts package cannot do a select on any...
Thanks. I have been working on this problem all morning and you were on the right track. It looks like a rights issue, but not with the stored proc or the DTS package, but instead a rights issue with the web page and the location of the directory of the actual program (a Crystal Report)...
...package that fails when the web runs the proc that runs the dts package and when the quary analyzer does the same thing is - rst.Open rcmd, , 3
If Protyp = 1 Then
SQLSTMT = "SELECT RequestID, ReportID,ExportFormat, ExportDestination, ExportFileName,RDate,RTime,RunHowOften...
kenhamady :
Thought your idea had solved the problem, but on further review - If there is enough room for the header with the first detail record to print it does and then on the following page it prints the header with the first detail record and the prints detail from record 2 - end. Now on...
Thanks for the help, but The problem is worse this way.
Envision this.
Page 1
header 1
1 detail line
page 2
header 2
26 detail lines
page 3
repeat header 2
12 detail lines
header 3
12 detail lines
header 4
page 4
repeat header 4
12 detail lines
this is what you get by chosing...
I have a report that has group headers with various number of detail records. I would like to keep the header from printing if detail records can not be placed on the same page. FoxPro has an option to not print if the space on the page is less than so may invhes or some other value. Does...
I have a Crystalreport residing on server_1 and ParamTables on the same server. A DTS package (VBScript) gathers the Parameters and calls the CrystalReport and places the parameters into Crystal. Then CrystalReport.Export False statement is executed and the report runs a StoredProc on server_1...
Thanks jonscott8. Most all of the information we use in our CrystalReports are doen with stored Procs, but this one is simply indicating that the process is running and what day and time. It keeps from having another process from grabbing the information already being processed. Another process...
mwolf00 Thanks. Too many programs using the fields in SQL. Due to the four different systems accessing the fields they were definned as text. I am not sure why we were set up this way, but I was told SQL can due some funky things when you compare date fields with date entries from other...
The state ment formatDateTime(Now(),vbShortDate) works fine, but again if the stem time on the client PC is set for date mm/dd/yyyy the complete field will be 22 characters long. Can't change the format of the defined SQL field which is text and used by other programs. I will just have to use...
Sorry disregard last comment. Left the old statement in as well as the new. Worked great. Thanks. Liked the FORMAT function I use in VB, but it doesn't seem to work with script. Again Thanks
mwolf00 Thanks for the reply. I still get variable is undefined : 'format' when I run the process. I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but I am testing the script with Command Prompt.
I am using a variable DateStart to write current date time to a SQL table field defined as Char(20).
DateStart = Now()
The problem arises when this field of 20 character length gets the value where the small date time on the client computer is defined for yyyy. I have a truncate error returned...
We run Crystal reports from a vbscript passing the parameters to it from SQL files. The Crystal Report then uses the params to run a Stored Proceedure on SQL to gather data for the report. This particular report uses stored proc on another SQL server. All was working well until Administrator...
Unfortuantly there are, including heading and footer 48 lines of department information broken into specifics of service responsibilities. This fills a page up 81/2 by 11 landscape to print 8 weeks and two periods per page. In the past on a different report we used a stored proc that...
I need to print several pages for period report broken into weeks. There is not enough room on one page to do this. The following is a basic layout of what the report would look like.
department |week1|week2|week3|week4|period1|week5|week6|week7|week8|period2...
Is there a way to Export reports through Outlook with out Outlook being open. This is a VB Script program running through WScript. The program reads a SQL file and gets the parameters for ExportOptions.MailCcList, ExportOptions.MailMessage, ExportOptions.MailSubject, and...
Have found the anser I was looking for. There are times when crParameter.AddCurrentValue already has a value and if you enter the same value it returns an error message. To correct this you need to enter this code before adding a new value crParameter.ClearCurrentValueAndRange
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