I found my soluiton. I needed the service pack 1 from microsoft.
It appears my hadrware was much newer them my XP version.
Thanks to those who responded...
I am tryuing to program an avr board and i cannot seem to get my laptop to recoginize it when i have it connected to the parallel port.
The procedues works fine on my desktop.
any idea why it would not be recoginized?
This system was custom ordered and update when i bought it in early october. I therefore dont expect updates to BIOs, chip set etc..is the problem.
BIOS setting has been checked but not sure what you mean by checking ram?
Thanks to all who reply..
I have a Radeon 8500LE in my New PC (Oct -2002). I am running a P4, 2.4GHz, 512 Ram.
It worked fine for a week or so them stared locking up. I took it back for service and they havent been able to find the problem.
They Reinstalled the drivers trying the ATI cataylyst 2.2 and 2.3 drivers with...
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