Thanks a lot for all the detailed info. I will take this to the retailer EDI dept and VendorNet and see what I can work out.
I'll let you know what happens.
Da Copilot
Hi everyone - Appreciate your input[elephant2] The issue with the VAN is that this company wants all their vendors on VendorNet. They have paid for it, so it is free to us if we can get set up. That is one main reason for not using a Sterling FTP solution or GenTran. So the only way to...
I feel your pain, Countdrak!! Unfortunately, I am now knowledgeable in Macola either. I'm trying to resolve another problem myself. Was wondering if you have any Macola Import/Export Manual Info or help files. I'm trying the implement an FTP flat file transfer of orders from a retailer into...
Hi - Thanx for your reply. They really are not in a position to do a major upgrade right now. The reason we are looking into this is because 1 retailer just began using VendorNet as their VAN so we need to set them up on either webforms or their version of EDI which they said was an FTP flat...
Hi - I am a programmer's assistant and help maintain our client's networks and order process when he is out-of-town. We have a client who needs to switch to VendorNet per the retailer and has a choice of WebForms or a FTP EDI solution. They need to be automated, but use Macola, and don't have...
Hi - I'm reinstalling XP Pro after switching HDs. I created a boot disk from my HD installation CD and it gives me a Dos type prompt X:launch> which I don't know what to do with.
The CD installer doesn't seem to do anything when I click install and then put in the Window XP Pro disk.
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