In sybex it gives the question and answer to this
&Question113=What command will you use to have your router load an IOS from a TFTP host?
&Answer113=boot system tftp
Which command is used to load an IOS from a TFTP host?
&Answer120=copy tftp flash
how are these different????
I am studying for the exam and one of the many products that I was using is transcender. What I was wondering is what is the emphasis on commands? Transcender had a question where "show ipx server" is the answer. I searched in the Cisco book and Sybex and neither had this command which made me...
I am getting ready to take the CCNA test but need to have these commands clarified
show interface
show ip interface
whill show interface give you the same results as show ip interfaces and visa versa and how are they used differently?
I have searched microsoft site and it was no help at all. I am trying to find out if the 70-210 for the MCP has been replaced by 70-270. I am also trying to find out the basic differences. I took a course for the 70-210 but have been concentrating on my CCNA so I put it on the back burner. Now I...
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