Does anybody knwo any time I start Appache server with unnoted line 763 which is : LoadModule php4_module d:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll my Appache server won't start??
Do you know how to fix it??
Thanks for your time. I have problem with generating HTML code with javascript. I want to code javascript in such way that it will write dop down list menue codes like
: the <option></optin> tags. I want make list with 100 items so it is going to take me to code it hours because it is not...
Hi that's me again
I have read scroce (MIS) message and I can not understand the quoted lins:
Set Connect = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "Affinity"
Set rsComments = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
Query = "SELECT * FROM...
Fast question,
I want to make database with ASP that will accept input from my ASP form. THe input will be ex.(hieght, age, location, and ""picture"). I have rought idea how to do it. Do you have any advice with codes or ex.?? How to upload pictures to my DB and how to...
Stone falt from my heart. Thanks to you link9 (Programmer)
You are my hero.!!!!! I got answere that i was looking for 3 longggg monthssss. YOU ARE THE BEST everybody should know that. Thank you, thank you, and one more time thank you.
I have still one more question to ask. Is it posible to...
I am strugling with it over 3 month and nobody can help me so maybe u can.
Ok. I want to creat database on internet. I already got web hosting with ASP support. But i don't know how to intergrate(in details) MS Access database file with my ASP. I did prototype (simple) search engin on my...
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