I am trying to populate 2 text boxes (firstname) & (lastname) based on the selection a user makes from a combo box. there are 2 relevant tables - ResidentData and Contacts. The Name combo box on the contacts form drops down to show all of the residents who live in the building selected by...
I am creating a form based on a table where there is no
"real" primary key available (SS#, Tel#)(I used autonumber). The 2 underlying tables are a "bldgs" table and and "Res(ident)Data" Table. The relationship between them is 1 - many so that there will be many...
HI, I ve been dabbling my big toe in VB/ Access programming for about a year. I ve decided to prepare for the mcsd exams starting first with the VB desktop. My preparation has been going fairly well. I m using the Coriolis VB Desktop Exam prep book and am about 1/2 thru
( + ,-) Given all...
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