I have just upgraded my app from VFP6 to VFP9 and been thrown a little by themes. I had themes set to .t. by default and could not understand why I could not change the back colour of the pages on my pageframe until I realised it was the themes property that was preventing this. Then I grew to...
Thanks for all the help here guys. I think at this point, though, I will stick with a text file to exchange the single 6 character field between the two apps (i.e. the member reference to be selected following the match on phone numbers). As getobject wouldn't work out of the box in VFP6 (BTW...
The phone people have come back and suggested that the error above is common when the com server is not registered in the ROT. How do I do this? They have pointed me at a site for doing this in Delphi using some messy Windows API calls - how is it done in VFP? Is this where you run the EXE with...
I did try the EXE approach with my code and got a similar error. I have now gone back and created the EXE with the code exactly as per your example i.e. I have created a project tele.pjx, I have added a single prg file phone.prg. The code in there is
DEFINE CLASS phone as Session...
Thanks for that. Yes I can see the value of that now. Problem is it will not be me who is converting back it will be the 3rd party who are using C++ and Delphi not VFP so it may not be as straightforward for them. I have just sent them a test server which passes the table contents as an...
I have created and returned an object now. It has a numeric property indicating number of records returned and an array property containing the member details as they were struggling to use record sets (sorry Craig, think XML may be another learning curve here so I'll not go down that...
Just when I thought I had understood I am confused again! I kind of had something running but was assuming that one app could not set a property value in the COM server that another app can then see. Are you saying it can? Are you saying that if the telephoone people instantiate the COM...
Thanks for that. For anybody watching I have replaced my CONTACT method with the following now
parameters pref
locn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
lors = createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
locn.connectionstring = "DRIVER=Microsoft Visual FoxPro...
Not sure what language they are using, they seemed to have a lot of knowledge of VB and C++. Can I assume that these languages can handle a memo field for example, is that not very VFP? Is it possible to return a recordset and would that be better? I have not done any SQL Server...
Thanks for the confirmation. I will use a table to store the incoming call number. In terms of passing back a list of names and contact details that match that number to the phone people's software via the COM server, though, so that the phone people can present that list in their...
Have I completely misunderstood the terms in process and out of process and mixed these up with single and multiple threads to get 2 + 2 to make 5 above? Perhaps a property in a DLL cannot be shared between my main app and a 2nd program? Am I trying to do something that on relexion I should...
Hi guys, I'm back. Sorry about the delay I have had to drop this for a couple of weeks but just picked up again. I now have a .DLL called telephone.dll. It contains a class called telephone marked as OLEPUBLIC. It has methods as follows
set exclusive off
open database bookit
use memship...
Thanks for that. I asked the ISP if something like that were not possible. Their response was that implementing this itself has a massive overhead and because each site is given a limited amount of space you end up unable to get as many sites onto the shared server because inevitably...
I see. No I don't put any objects in either session or app variables. They are kept to very small character strings. I can only think it is the db access that is causing the issue but because there are no complaints from other sites with much bigger loads using the same scripts I suspect that we...
Thanks for that. I will try the new syntax and ask for a look at the windows perf mon logs if they will let me see them and assuming they will mean anything to me! I do use session variables to keep track of who is logged in. There are only 2 or 3 per session and my understanding is they...
I have an ASP app that has been running fine for months on several client systems. This week one of their ISPs pulled the plug on the site saying that it was draining resources on the shared server and therefore it needed shutting down. The most likely code was 'poor' programming resulting in...
I am in Derbyshire, my customer is in Birmingham and his phone system has not been installed yet, we are hoping to have software available before it gets installed. All dealings have been by phone and email with the phone company. I have not seen the telephone system or even a spec for...
Thanks for your patience with me guys. I must admit the telephone people are not being incredibly helpful. They keep giving me 'tasters' then leave me high and dry when it comes to implementing the detail. They claim they are used to working with COM servers to do this in many applications such...
Hey - slow down guys, remember COM stuff is completely new to me. Done a bit with classes but 'encapsulating' the application etc is going way over my head here. Let me try to explain myself better and perhaps you can ensure I am on the right lines then lead me 'slowly'! My app is a standalone...
I have a VFP 6 application containing several databases of names and numbers to describe it in simplistic terms. A want to link this system to a new telephone system that is being installed so that as well as users clicking 'Find' in my app to locate records using name, telephone no etc, when...
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