Thanks Noway2
IP trace always gives the same public IP number so I am guessing that it is static.
I don't know what NAT2 is but you are right to assume that I am behind a router and I don't think I can get at the routing instructions
I have no idea how to port forward from port 80 to another...
Sorry this is a beginners question about neworks.
I am running Apache 2.2.14 in Mandriva Linux. Apache runs without errors.
I didn't realise there are private IP addresses and public addresses so I set up the config file with the IP 192.xx from my computer and regisered the vanity site with a...
Thanks all.
In fact the first solution did work - the problem was my typing.
Yes the "other machine" is on the same LAN, accessing from another source works fine.
I can only offer a VERY grateful thanks to Norway and smah for your brilliant and timely help.
Thanks and have a great week.
At present there is only one site (but I have more I want to add). I rstarted apache and it starts with no error messages. If I try from the machine that has apache using local host it serves the index file. If I try from another machine it shows the message "connecting to....") and times out
Thanks very much for your prompt response.
I have tries your direct response with no success but I am now trying a combination of your response and the link you sent. I am sure one will work eventually.
Best regards and have a good week
I continually time out on attempted connection from a different machine.
I now have about 200 different combinations that don't work and any help7pointers might save me from a nervous breakdown.
Using trace appears to resolve correctly to the DNS server (
My config file has these...
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