Thank you for this. I am already extracting from the background in Photoshop. I haven't tried posterize yet but will. I suspect it will make the tracing simpler, but since there are not many different colours in the picture (face of a gorilla was my example), I don;t think posterizing will help...
I do not own the new Illustrator but I have had the pleasure of looking at Live Trace recently. It is pretty amazing.
I am getting pretty mixed results doing blacj and white traces, even though I have adjusted just about every parameter I can find, including resampling. The reason I am...
When I select copy paste, I get an empty rectangle (my selection area or clipping path created earlier). I cannot get a paste in a new layer with content that is just what is inside the clipping path. Sorry, Lame.
Thank you very much!
Yes, I can get a clipping path ok. What it does is hide the part of the trace I do not want, but the rest is still there, available on request. How do i make that clipping "permanent" inorder to retain only the part I need? This is not an easy one because in asking how I...
New to Illustrator, better versed in Photoshop, I have a big problem trying not to draw parallels.
I traced a photgraph into a blac and white vector. Central to the trace is the face in teh picture, and I am trying to get rid of everything else. In Photoshop, the quickest way would be to...
Thanks Combo.
Read some some on add-in security last night (went and bought the whole Excel VBA shop: a lot has changed since I last used VBA). It looks relatively easy to convert to an add-in, so I will just concentrate on the task and convert after.
Combo/xlbo, thank you both very much for...
Thank you both. Combo, what is Office Developer? I think the rest of the answer points to what I read about, namely compiling in VB rather than keeping in VBA.
Any comments on COM add-in versus DLL (same thing in effect?) welcome.
I am new to Tek-Tips. I did do a serach and I hope I am not treading old ground too much.
I have some questions on VBA passwords. There are several tools to recover lost passwords for VBA modules (I am particularly interested in Excel/VBA). For older versions, the password can be...
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