Every branch office has this private line or a dedicated telephone line, in each side of the line we have a router, which make every office part of the LAN, nothing fancy there. If it helps forget about the line, let say I need a server for each division, I have one main server which gets all...
You're right I could use just one server.
We're connected to the other offices by a private line, we use the connection to run oracle applications(client-server by the way) so I don't want to put more traffic than it should, that's the main reason.
My main mail server it's a cobalt cube, the DNS daemon it's running, and yes, the other offices are in my lan.
This it's what I think I should do, correct me if I'm wrong: because the main server it's already getting the mail for everybody, I need to configure the two servers for each office so...
I'm new with sendmail and I have to configure 3 servers for the same domain and as you can guess I have no idea how to do that.
I have one server already runing this one it's main server, what I need to do it's to configure the other two servers so they can get the mail from first server, this...
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