If I understood the question correctly, your parameter field requires values to be filled dynamically from a procedure. In this case, you can do it from the Reports server.
Create a separate report with sp and with the only field to display on this report is the result to be filled in your...
Another way..
k = IIf(Text1.Text - Int(Text1.Text) > 0.5, _
Int(Text1.Text) + 0.5, Int(Text1.Text))
Nearestvalue = IIf(Text1.Text - k > 0.25, k + 0.5, k)
It has to be improvised for values less than zero.
If it is ok to pass the parameter without converting the Date format, you may try this!
Rem CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = "CutoffDateS;Date(" & Calendar.Year & "," & _
Calendar.Month & "," & _...
In the following, the Output report will be displayed using "Crystal Report Control".
Insert the "Crystal Report Control" component in the VB Project and add it in the main form.
#1. Define the report path as in step#1,
#2. Pass the values to Crystal Report Parameters as...
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