Ok every thing is working great i found that Iterator that let me show my resluts and it is working great. I now need to export it to table I think that im goign to need another loop in my wile statment were my iterator is and some kind of string like a buffer that I append to an array to send...
This post is related to another post Clean up on Database
I think I got the solution to that problem. But I am having trouble figuring how how to print my HashMap to a table or XLS sheet. Here is my code This is my first java program so pleas give detail.
//adds decription...
ok still need some help here is what i have so fare
I need to concatenated decs with , and it seems im only geting the first desc in my array list any ideas on how to get all decs in the array list.
//adds decription fields together
import java.sql.*;
Ok this is what i have got so fare This connects me to the database and lets me call a SQL string
//adds decription fields together
import java.sql.*;
public class Concatenate
private static Connection connection;
private static Statement statement;
public static...
this data was exported out and im cleaning it up i have it in a excell spreed sheet two if you think it might be easer to right code to change that, I dont realy care what order Dec gets put into in the single column just needs to be done.
I have a table that has two main fields one called part# and the other des for decription my table has mutipal part# with dec that that are defrent I need to have one part # and the decription field des need to be combinded. The tables are stored in access I also need to create a concetion to...
im geting error when runing this here is the coad im using for the link above
Function Concatenate(pstrSQL As String, _
Optional pstrDelim As String = ", ") As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs =...
I have a Module in MS Access with this code and I need to know how to call it runing a query
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub RSLoop()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim varPart As String
Dim cntr As Long
Dim varDesc
On Error GoTo ErrorHere...
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