are you telling me if I remove the linking with GUI and add the below in global decoration. don't I need to do more? just reference ExcelApp when ever I need when doing excel automation.
' Use current installed version of Excel
Dim ExcelApp As Object
Set ExcelApp =...
I am trying to check if there is any broken references when access starts as the reference changes in different version of Access.
The code works through ok but it does not remove the missing/broken references. When I debug nothing is shown it’s just blank in the debug.print.
Any help...
Hi strongm
Thank you for providing this code for me to have a look much appreciate it. The code works fully as required. After thorough testing I have found out the reason it was not working at my end only was the search picked up some system files such as .ini and Default.rdp file. Strange...
Hi trevil620 & strongm
strange I get permission denied with strongm code. I must be doing something wrong?
I really hope I can get both codes to work with your help.
again thank you to both for your valuable time and effort very much appriciated.
Hi strongm
Thank you for providing this code for me to have a look much appreciate it. As soon I click search that runs “MainExample” I get an error straight away:
Error: RunTime Error 70 – Permission denied
The error occurs in function ‘RecurseFolder” in the following code: I beleave its...
Hi Wayne,
Thanks Strongm for your help.
First of all thank you very much for taking the time to help me with this although you are very busy.
Here a summary:
I have created in my file location (C:\TestExcel\) the below listed 6 folders as follows:
Folders no. 1+2 parent contains...
Here are exact steps taken.
1. A brand new database created as access 2007 format
2. Created brand new form with a click button called “cmd_Search_Loc_Click” and placed its code
3. A new module was created called “module 1”
4. Placed “RecursiveDir” into “module 1”
5. In “Module 1“ I went...
Hi Wayne,
I believe you are getting correct numbers but as you can see my result bellow I am getting multiples of the correct number. I don’t understand why and nothing is displayed for empty folders.
Found colFiles.Count 18 files. – That should be 9 as you can see below:
File Found...
I have debugged the code and I am experiencing problems with duplicating/triplicating results and empty sufolders being displayed as empty as only the parent folder should be showing in results.
I would really appreciate if you could spare your valuable time to have a look at this issue...
Trevil620, thank you very much for the time you have taken to help me with your knowledge. I appreciate it very much. It has help solve my problem. Thank you
After extensive debugging the code works very nicely when it finds the excel file and displays each found location path..
My problem now is that it has has to display folder name for each folder found EMPTY as well.
Wild card works very nicely.
Private Sub cmd_Search_Loc_Click
Thanks will add error trapping when I get the thing working. The the stuff I mean above code section calling the search placed above at 9:58.
If not blnfileisfound then
MSGbox ....
End if
Where do I place it to display it every time file not found like the file found.
Hope that is clear
Hi Andy
I will change that file name and remove the & and put and to remove the and. Do u think its worth it to add error trapping What about the other stuff.
Andy what do u mean u checked this and that confirms your worry. If that is about me I am in uk and I am currently working just having...
The values for:
as you see it has so many nested subfolders
strFolder: P:\ZI0902_Main\Operations Folder\Deployments\Deployment Requests 2009\Completed ICCAT trips\Request_048_Tuna_Princess\Trip Outputs\Deployment_Docs\Training Slides_August 2007\4. Background Longline & Transhipment...
I have found that it breaks on the foloowing line:
If (GetAttr(strFolder & strTemp) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
And the folloiwng needs to be in the look as wel:
If Not blnFileIsFound Then
MsgBox "File Not Found."
End If
Sorry for the too much info.
Thank you again very much
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