I wrote a little zenityscript:
zenity --info --text "With this tool, you can convert the float number in a SVG file in a integer numbers. This will important reduce the size of the file.The convertetd file will save in the same directory like this script."
A svgpath look like this
.. d="m78.222,22.069c-1.4335,0.0073-2.8714,0.12168-3.7812, and so on
That's why i use the regex to find all (and only) the floats
i wish to round any float in a integer in a (svg) path.
I try
awk '/[-+]?\d*\.?\d+/ {print int($1+0.5)}' input.svg>output.svg
but the output (in the file) is 0 0.
The regex works fine and the round is tested. What's the problem?
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