Thanks. Just to clarify the following function performs array multiplication of two 3-D arrays. In tensor notation, it performs a_{ijk}b_{jkl}:
function matmull(a,b)
double precision :: a(:,:,:),b(:,:,:)
double precision :: matmull(size(a,1),size(b,3))...
Thank you!
If I put the DGEMM function in a do loop:
do i=1,size(b,2)
CALL DGEMM('N','N',M,N,K,1.0,a(:,:,i),M,b(:,i,:),K,0.0,atimesb,M)
matmull=matmull + atimesb
the results are the same of the "standard" implementation but is slower! Is it possible to reshape the matrixs...
I wrote this routine that takes two 3D arrays and performs a multiplication.......
function matmull(a,b)
! This in-line function performs array muliplication of two 3-D arrays
double precision :: a(:,:,:),b(:,:,:)
double precision :: matmull(size(a,1),size(b,3))
integer i...
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