Yesterday, I was going to print a document, when the first of the pages got stuck in the printer. I pressed the button on with a red cross on it, and the stuck paper got out. But now all of the alert lamps (the "Color", "Black/photo" and "Paper" lamps) are on!. But I have only printed a couple...
Aha, smart! Thanks! I never thought of a script as a document element. Now I'm not a pure-javaScript programmer, since I use JavaScript only when I'm creating web applications. But I know it's possible to run a js-file only as it is. And then I suppose you don't have a document element, so var...
I have a javaScript inclusion in my html-file, like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="interface.js"></script>
Is there som way to include more js-files from interface.js? Or do I have to specify every file I include in the html-file?
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