I want to crop a part of image using a VBNET what i had done is
1. Open the image
2. Show the image using picture BOX
3. Scretch the image if not fit into the Picture Box
4. Now i want to select an area in a pictureBox using pointer so i can crop the image in selected area and show it in...
Help...i have a small code to read a txt and write...into *.xhtml
filein = new StreamReader("awalSol.txt");
fileout = new StreamWriter("info.xhtml");
string header;
header = filein.ReadToEnd();
//after that i do a lot of adding a string into...
HI guys...
as usual newbie question :)
ListBox can binding dataset right?:). well a big confuse then. i have an Access database (say it i have a.mdb and it has 1 table xy table, 2 field x and y). i can connect it with my app using OleDBconnection and manipulating using oleDBcommand. But
HI..i really need your help
I have a single file call a.txt its contains many word "what" Now i want to make an apps which will change all the word "what" into the word "who" and save it into the same file..please
of course it's not a homework..:) because i will do...
Hi I want to send a file using FTP in my app. Well my app will send a file (ex. a.txt) into a web server with my login
Can i do all automaticaly ( i mean login, and transferring a.txt with just single click..) how..please i'm really newbie thanks..
Well Mr. Chris, i just need to know what the content about the drive not content of the fullpath,
Well my apps want to read the content of CDrom, so i thinks is a good idea to put editbox,linked into a memo field..but using drag and drop is a god idea can u explain more further (ups..if u don't...
Uhm a newbie question :)
well i want to read all of directory and file (*.*) from certain drive (i.e. C:\ or Cd-rom drive) and there result of it's is displayed on a single edit box..
Well i want to read the content of a cdrom and save it into memo field in my database..any sugestion...
As i know..(because i learn too)
VB-NET is focused in Desktop apps so is a good idea to start a desktop apps using VB-NET, although u can use it to develop a web app.
VC# is focused in Web apps, it's more reponsive in response and speed when this code flying in the NET (just because sucessor of...
HI i try to learn C# right now
uhm basic question
iF in VB NET there are shell() command to execute other *.exe in Windows system directory and VCPP has
Winexec() to call other executable file what function in Visual C# to do equal action
Help me please..with samples :)
I know is silly...
I want to send SMS using a data cable (COM) and my Siemens mobile any link or sugestion how to made a *.dll or buy sms activeX i tried to make one but is failed
please anyone give me a link to find activeX/OCX/dll to send sms via datacable please
there are so many reason for that some of them are
1. Installation your NET sdk was corrupt
2. Your IIS is to old...update your IIS please :)
3. If you use IIS be sure to make Virtual Director, go to Computer managemants and create Virtual Directory from your default web site
4. If...
I have an old code (VB6) to test port com1 which is connected with my phonecell.. i upgraded to VB.NET using upgrade wizards and my code change into like this
Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click
I tried to save a content of a list box to a text file in VB 6 i write the code like this
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
For i=0 To Listbox1.ListCount-1
Print #1, Listbox1.List(i)
Close #1
Now i want to use savefiledialog in VBNET so when i click save button, the app...
Can i use VC++ .NET to program my phones symbian based..what i need any additional instalation, or SDK and whre i can get a good tutorial about this thanks and sorry to many question
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