I gave it a shot, first putting it after i added a new record, then just before i ran the .UpdateBatch statement. still getting an error :( am i putting it in the right spot?
Thanks -Dave.
I wish i could just go buy a program. let me get into it a bit more:
basically what i've got is an online MySQL database that is being written to via ODBC. the Access Database pulls information off of that database which is linked into msaccess for my clients. pretty much the...
Hey everybody!
I've got an access database that i'm working on here, and i've run into a wall...
the program is an interest calculator, pretty much... it takes withdrawals and desposits, and every month it compounds at a given interest rate.
i've got a form in continuous form mode, and the...
I'm officially a moron.... i figured it out. thanks for all the input... i neglected to select unique record identifiers when i linked the tables originally!
- Dave.
yeah, i can't even update or delete from table view :( I'm looking at my permissions for the specified user, and there's no problem there.
Here's the code anyways, just in case...
DoCmd.RunSQL ("UPDATE rmtCustomerInfo SET ciUserName = '" & tbUserName.Value & "', " & _
"ciPassword = '" &...
I knew i forgot something...
Well, there really isn't any relevant code, anytime i run a Docmd.RunSQL("UPDATE...") query i get this error:
Run-Time Error 3073: Operation must use an updateable query
And everytime i run a delete sql i get this :
"Could not delete from specified tables"
I'm unable to update or delete any records in a remote (online) mySQL database from my local access 2000 database.
Apperently my mySQL permissions are fine because when i update the mySQL database through php online, there isn't a problem... so i'm assuming that the problem is either in my...
Hi! Here's the problem.
I get a "Operation must use an updateably query" error when I try to update records from ms access to the remote database.... i've set all the permissions for mysql user to allow edits and updates etc. etc.... anyone had this issue before and can point me int he right...
Okay, well i just figured out one way using the IsNumeric() Function:
If ogSearchBy.Value = 1 Then
selectStr = "SELECT * FROM lclCustomerInfo WHERE ciLastName = '" & tbSearch.Value & "';"
ElseIf ogSearchBy.Value = 2 Then
selectStr = "SELECT * FROM lclCustomerInfo WHERE ciUserName = '"...
Hi there, first... thanks for all the contributions you people make in this forum, i have gotten many a question answered just by reading the posts.
second: I am trying to create a text box that will only allow numbers to be imputted into it when a certain contition is true... here is my code...
hmmmm, i have developed an application using VB standard, and i need to create a report. what is the best way to do that, it would appear that Crystal isn't packaged with it... if i'm going to need to buy report software, which would be the best choice?
Thanks for the reply sunaj!
allright, i've gotten that far, now what would be the best way to pass the SQL string var into the crystal report's SQL query?
is there a way to pass a value from a textbox to be included into the SQL that will create the recordset my Crystal Report uses (crystal report is being viewed on a separate form)?
for example, a textbox on my form has a value of 19. i need to pass that 19 to the WHERE clause in my SQL. is...
thank you for this one:
Private Sub ShowForm2Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ShowForm2Button.Click
Dim F2 As New Form2()
End Sub
Form2 is the Form2.vb I had designed, i guess it was pretty simple.
Hello, I have two windows forms already created in my designer. I have looked through the forums to find out how to open the second form from the first form, but haven't quite found a clear answer.
The form i am trying to load is going to be a search form, where the user will enter an ID...
I should elaborate.
Basically i have 1 listbox with options, and one checkedlistbox with specifics related to the options. when a user selects an item in the listbox, the checkedlistbox changes. The CheckedListBox is bound to a DataSet, and records to the dataset when the user selected...
I am trying to make a dataset mirror the users input to a CheckListBox - eg. when the user checks an option, the dataset is updated.
what is the easiest way to do that?
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