I appologize, I did look at the code and plugged in only certain parts. I will try this again with the entire code, and see if I have better results. Thanks again.
OK, I tired both of these, and they are basically what I am looking to do... but I am still running into one last bit of trouble. When I try using the img as a background, I see the dots behind the description and the blanck space to the right of it. Here is a really messy example of what I...
Here is another option if you care to use it...
<SPAN onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='bluepic2.gif'" onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='bluepic1.gif'"><img src="bluepic1.gif" height="40" width="100" name="pic1"></SPAN>
I just want the dots between the last letter in the description, all the way to the $ sign in the price. I will try the background, but I'm afraid this will fill-in spaces where I do not want the dots to be seen... for instance, if the description is too long, and jumps down another row, the...
I am looking to create a nice looking menu, but I am having trouble finding the right way to produce this result:
Menu Item
Menu Item2
Description longer.......$price
I am currently using a table where the menu item spans 2 cols and on a new row...
I know the ins and isf file extentions are both associated with the inspiration program. I know the files are saved to that computer. when I do a find -name *.ins, I find a couple of the files that have been saved to that server. when I try to open them in a browser - it will not go into the...
Yes, I did add the application/x-inspiration xxx to the /etc/mime.types flie. This is the respone I got when I used the above command for my file.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
1 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
2 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:34:55 GMT
3 Server: Apache/2.0.53 (Fedora)
That did work for powerpoint. This is not working for the program called Inspiration. I tried adding application/x-inspiration xxx where the x's are the file extention. After rebooting the server, powerpoint is working fine, but I can still not see inspiration files. Am I adding the line...
I think I found powerpoint beside ms-powerpoint. Now the problem is with adding extentions for a program called inspiration. I do not see this on the list at all. Anyone know how to help?
It looks like the solution could be in the mime file. I do not see anything in the list for powerpoint. Is there a way of adding this application to the mime file, or does anyone know where i might add the file extentions on this mime list?
I need a little help here. I am using Fedora 3 for my server. There are multiple sites hosted on this box. I am having trouble with one of the sites where I am creating a powerpoint presentation on my computer, uploading the ppt to the server, and when I access this online, it turns to...
I have 2 people working on the same website. They are using the checkin and checkout function to access the files on our web server. One of the programmers checked a few files out, then later checked them back in. The other person then tried to check them out, but a message displayed that the...
I need a little help here. I am using Fedora 3 for my server. There are multiple sites hosted on this box. I am having trouble with one of the sites where I am creating a powerpoint presentation on my computer, uploading the ppt to the server, and when I access this online, it turns to...
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