Ok, with a very, very slight modification of the code, I've managed to get the site to layout roughly how I wanted..
Maybe after doing it all morning, and figuring out 1 'problem' after another, I got blinded.. Like the old saying "couldn't see the wood, for the trees"..
Let's see how I get on...
Thanx for your reply Vacunita.
Yes, the site looks fine(ish) in full screen, but in a window (minimised) it no longer works how it's suppose to, I forgot to mention that bit, sorry.
Also that bit of code didn't seem to do anything, at least not on my site/page. So I dunno..
I'm fully aware...
Ok, so.. I've been writing & messing about with web design for a while now.. And I can write a whole site, with my eyes shut..
However, I've recently started a course to be a certified Web Design Manager, and the course introduced me to XHTML..
Now, so far, I've found 1 thing.. HTML 3.2/4.01 &...
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