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Search results for query: *

  1. gammaman1

    capturing output for 60 seconds

    hi, Does anyone know of a module I could use to constantly capture output within a timeframe? Basically, I want to capture everything that a console is spitting out for 60 seconds. Then I'm planning to search through the output to look for a specific phrase. Any tips would be much appriciated...
  2. gammaman1

    regular expression

    can someone break this down for me? I'm still trying to understand regular expressions: $test =~ /^(.*): +(.*)$/) thanks, gammaman
  3. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    stevexff, you're right, i think there's some wierd characters that i'm not seeing. When I open the processed file up in windows notepad, the blanks are gone. But when I open it up in an editor such as textpad or editpad, the blanks show up. I tried your code, but it didn't seem to have any...
  4. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    ...or without an array open (INFILE, "<tmp1"); open RESULTS, ">results"; while (<INFILE>) { chomp; print RESULTS "$_\n" unless /^\s*$/; } close INFILE; close ERASE_BLANK; to be more accurate, both sets of code remove some blank lines while leaving other blank lines alone...
  5. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    ...I melded everything together to create this, and as fas as I can see, it looks fine open FILENAME, "file1"; while(<FILENAME>) { next if /^\s*$/; chomp; push @myarray, $_; } close FILENAME; open FILENAME_TWO, ">results"; foreach $item (@myarray) { print FILENAME_TWO...
  6. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    #!/usr/bin/perl @mylist = ( 'one', '', # ignore 'three', '', # ignore 'five' ); foreach $value (@mylist) { print "$value\n" unless $value =~ m/^$/; } Its wierd, but I ran this on a file with 1000 lines and it worked...
  7. gammaman1

    regular expressions again

    ...blah (WORD) 2. (blah) (WORD) this is what i have, but havn't gotten it to work. i'm pulling my hair trying to figure this out. for ($i = 0; $i < @mylist; $i++) { if (@mylist[$i] =~ /([^(WORD)]*)/) { print "@mylist[$i]\n"; } } any hints or leads will be much appriciated. thanks...
  8. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    so how would I remove blank lines from a file? for example, open FILENAME, "temp"; @mylist = <FILENAME>; close FILENAME; where would i put perl -lne 'print unless /^\s*$/' ? thanks, gammaman
  9. gammaman1

    perl's regular expressions

    i tried adding the \], but it's still displaying the ]. for example: input: [testtest] test test test [testtest] output: ] test test test [testtest] for($i=0;$i<@mylist;$i++) { @mylist[$i] =~ s/[^\]]*//; } did i put it in the right spot? thanks, gammaman
  10. gammaman1

    perl's regular expressions

    using perl, how would i get it to erase everything up to and including the first bracket [ ? I have this, but it only erases up to the [. I need the bracket removed as well. for($i=0;$i<@mylist;$i++) { @mylist[$i] =~ s/[^]]*//; } any ideas? thanks, gammaman
  11. gammaman1

    does perl have a built in sed?

    hi, I have a windows version of perl installed, and I realized that I need a sed function that's like the unix version. Does perl have a sed? if so, would you call it the same as you would do in unix? ie. " sed -e '/^ *$/d' input" ? thanks, gammaman
  12. gammaman1

    sorting in perl

    thanks for the reply. I tried the code, and it worked if I had the files in the same directory. Is it possible to sort it with different files and different directories? For example, this is the outcome of the above code: C:\foldera\file1 C:\foldera\file10 C:\foldera\file2 C:\folderbcd\file3...
  13. gammaman1

    concatenation in perl

    ah, chomp was what i was looking for. thanks guys!
  14. gammaman1

    concatenation in perl

    thanks for the response, but this yields the same result :-(
  15. gammaman1

    concatenation in perl

    hi, i'm having trouble with concatenation in perl. What I need to do is put the input of a file into an array. Then I want to join certain indices in the array. For example: open FILENAME, "testtest"; @mylist = <FILENAME>; close FILENAME; $temp = @mylist[0] . @mylist[1]; print "$temp"; The...
  16. gammaman1

    sorting in perl

    hi, I have a file that lists files and filepath such as this: C:\foldera\file1 C:\folderb\file2 ... C:\folderc\file10 C:\folderd\file11 I'm trying to figure out a way to sort these so that they will be sorted in ascending order. I tried using perl's sort: @sorted_array = sort { $a <=> $b }...
  17. gammaman1

    execute perl file within a perl file

    hi, this is probably really simple, but I haven't figured this out. All I want to do is execute file1.pl which will then execute file2.pl. In unix, I would probably just call "file2.pl" but I'm using perl in windows XP. what command do i need? thanks, gammaman1
  18. gammaman1

    select and filehandlers in perl

    Hi, I'm trying to verify this line of code: select( ( select( STDOUT ), $| = 1 )[ 0 ] ); this line is in a file that takes in 3 arguments. From what I read from my oreilly book, does this mean that select will return the output filehandle if there is at least 1 arguement? thanks, gammaman1
  19. gammaman1

    how much info can a variable store?

    wow, windows has grep? I never heard of findstr before. Anyways, I tried Mike's solution, and it seems to work fine if I use a program with little output. But when I do it for the program I'm using, cleartool, it outputs this error message: grep: writing output: Invalid argument I tried...
  20. gammaman1

    how much info can a variable store?

    Thanks for the replies; They've given me more ideas. The problem is that the PERL program I'm writing has to run on windows XP. I have a windows version of grep installed. So what I'm trying to do is this: 1. run the program 2. pipe the results into a grep 3. then pipe that result into another...

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