Could be possible that ur scratch file is conflicting with the windows paging file.
- S. Forbes
Steelton Progressive Web Design
Thanks a bunch, didnt realize that my brush palette applied to the elipse tool. Great to know now :)
For this particular project I ended up creating the dotted line in flash as I needed to animate it & when it comes to making something appear to "snake" along a motion guide like I intend, an...
Personally, when I design a site, I do a layout sketch on paper. Next I do all the graphics in photoshop, including backgrounds, buttons, button states, effects, lighting, etc. Then I load up flash, import all the graphics I did in photoshop to the flash library, then put it all together in...
I'm trying to create an elipse in CS2.. simple enuff right? Thing is, the elipse has to have a dotted line style stroke. I can currently accomplish this with painshop & just copy & paste the dotted elipse over to photoshop, but I'd really like to know how to do it with photoshop, so I can have...
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