humm .. i thought he ment a taskbar icon like icq or winamp(NotifyIcon). And that he wanted a function like msn-exp or sql server maneger. .. What kind of icon du u meen?
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Select Case UnloadMode
Case vbFormControlMenu
Cancel = 1
Case vbFormCode
Call module.del_tray
Case vbAppWindows
Call module.del_tray
Case vbAppTaskManager
Call module.del_tray
End Select
Hi .. im setting up a FAT serverpark whit HIGH security (banking-carding) .. And im using Guid as session and im woundering if anyb has seen Hacking programs to "loop" though GUIDs and find one active??
I know there is ALOT of GUIDs but I need to be 100% sure someone can´t find one...
What do i trigger on if the application loose and gain focus .. not just the main window i meen the whole app .. ?? ex: i want text i a textbox to dissapeare whe the app loose focus .. or whatever ..
Dim savetitle
If App.PrevInstance Then
savetitle = App.Title
App.Title = "... duplicate instance."
form1.Caption = "... duplicate instance."
AppActivate savetitle
SendKeys "% R", True
End If
put it in...
Hi im using the DrawFocusRect to create a ghost-Frame when im moving my windows(i have screenSuck and so on.) .. my problem is that drawFocusRect as its name, just draw rects and my Mainform(winampstyle with childs) is this form:
using the CombineRgn and SetWindowRgn to create the...
Does anybody knows if there is a way to force SQL-Server 2k to fully load a whole table into the RAM-memory of the Server? I have a session table i alwas want to be in the RAM.
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