I would like to pass a parameter to a stored procedure thats used in a like condition of the where clause.
Select all customer that start with "A"
Declare @Cust_no as char(4)
Select *
from customer
where customer_number like @Cust_no
Not having any luck with this. I have...
I found this and it seems to do the job.
Private Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib "odbc32.dll" _
(phenv As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function SQLDataSources Lib "odbc32.dll" _
(ByVal hEnv As Long, ByVal fDirection As Integer, _
ByVal szDSN$, ByVal...
I am using SQL Server 7.0.
I have a couple of queries that perform very different from the SQL Analyzer vs. Application GUI.
I have a query that accepts four parameters.
@date as datetime
@Qual_no char(2)
@Patt_no char(2)
@Sku_no as char(16)
select qualcode,pattcode,orderdate,qtyordered,sku...
I'm using SQL Server 7.0 and would like to use a
parameter for a table column name in a "SUM" aggregation.
sum(case when Fweek=@Curweek-8 then (quantity*Dollars) else 0 end) 'Week-8'
from ....
Can the (Quantity*Dollars) expression be passed as a parameter? I have...
I have a table that keeps sales by day.
I want to return the results in column fashion. Similar to Cross-Tab.
Select sum(Sales on Mondays), sum(Sales on Tuesdays), ...
where date between ( xxxx) and (xxxx)
Any suggestions most appreciated.
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