I am a longtime Freehand user, and only have initially started to learn Illustrator. The current project I am working on requires me to set us a series of rectangles with a .0001 tolerance. The Mac I am using for this project is not my own, and the owner (who inherited it) does not have the...
I was given a newsletter to update. In came in (Mac) PM 7. As I started to update it for some reason PM7 would crash. One second it was there and the next it was gone. I decided to try and work with it in (Mac) PM 6.5 which worked well, After each successive headings update I printed out what I...
Lets say that your final publication will be 11 x 17 (each half page is one ad). You do your layout in PageMaker, print proofs using the print>tile command, adjusting the ruler end points so each half page ad prints on a 11 x 8.5.You then export the file as a pdf to send to the print bureau...
Is there any advantage to sending digital files to a print bureau using PDF files as opposed to PS files? Is the file size smaller? Do you need the print bureau’s image setter driver with PDF as you do with PS files? I know the print bureau cannot make any changes to the PS file, can they do so...
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