"Your desktop version is newer than the APS(SERVERNAME) version. Contact your system administrator."
How does this happen? What do I need to change? When can I find help on this topic?
I have an .exe that runs as step one in my SQL Server Agent job. The .exe uses getsetting to set username, servername, and ... It is not bringing back anything from the registry, why?
I have a drop down box and instead of passing the "value" i need to pass the "text" of the option that was selected to the next form. Currently using, form.request("selOption").
I need to display a different picture for each detail line of the report. The name of the .jpg is in the database. The .jpg is on the system. I tried to use the bound image but can't get past displaying the .jpg name.
The following proc is producing the runtime error 2147217913 - the conversion of char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out of range datetime value.
if @LicenseIssueDate > convert(datetime,'11/30/' + convert(char(4),@LicenseYear))
Hardware: NT.40 sp6a server software: ms sql 7.0...
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