hello knowledgable ones...
can anyone help me to send html formatted email in entourage ?
also - how can i send an animated gif that actually plays rather than just display the first frame ?
cheers in advance
hello people ...
is anyone in the knowledge on how to send email from outlook/ entourage as a html page... ? clueless !
plus - anyone know how to sned an animated gif thru email to make it play ? i assume that if I sent it in a html page it would work better ?
cheers in advance...
you are a bleedin star !
i could kiss you
but I won't
yes it was me who emailed you - could you mail me the fla's ? those links don't work for me - maybe because i'm mac
so how would one do that ?
i have bg layer with 6 bands of colour
i want a black front layer, that is made up of squares, like pixels (imagine a picture 'mosaic-d' with photoshop) that reveal the bands underneath in accordance to cursor proximity
i have no idea on this !
I am currently learning new web skills, and am using Ultradev on a Mac. I am trying to gather information on what languages and programmes I need to learn to perfom certain tasks.
Could any of you knowledgeable peeps please suggest to me where I start learning ? I need to learn CGI stuff for...
as you may or may not of noticed - I lost two days of work on a project when the parent file became corrupted. I managed to output two swfs and two projectors before I lost it - can I import them and salvage my work in anyway ?>
i'd really like to set up a movie that has lots of black squares that change alpha level according to how close the mouse is to it, revealing parts of a picture underneath.
I'm sure this can be done - but cannot work it out, or find a tutorial on it - can anyone help with this ?
i've been working on this fla for 3 days solid - i only saved one copy.
On the last save and re-opening both flash 4 and 5 are saying "access to ------ denied" ....
very frustrating - very scary - please help me ...
well - its just a repeat of the first section anyway - and its not a hardware problem - anyway i've sorted it now I think . i copied all frames and made it into one movieclip, placed in a 1 layer movie.
then I can re-size it and make the move properties as big or small as I want.
Its very...
well, I thought it was just so big that it was memory - so I ramped flash player with ram, and I mean ramped - 150mb. still no joy, and this is on a dual processor G4. It also does this on the guys that originally authored it on PC's -
I thought the biggest size you could make a movie was 2800...
Hello - hope someone can help me - I am trying to create / manage a movie that is very large - 2560 pixels wide - for a video presentation with a vision splitter (the logistics of which are sorted).
The problem is the screen is split into 4 sections, one for each screen. two in the middle, and...
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