I have isolated which column in the table has the bad data. It is bill_date which I have learned is a field that is imported from another system. I pulled a record to see if it was all records, or it must just be some, and the one record I pulled did pull everything, but the date shows...
mirtheil -
I tried going through the Pervasive Control Center, when I choose Database (client) and I choose this particular database, and that particular table, I get an error of:
ODBC Error: SQLSTATE = 22008, Native error code = 0
Invalid date, time or timestamp value.
Is that what you...
I'm using Pervasive as the ODBC to connect Access 2000 to Platinum for Windows.
One of the linked tables is only showing #NAME in all the fields, most of the other tables work fine for that DSN. What is this and what can I do to fix it?
Also, I have another DSN that is not showing any tables...
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