Does anyone know how to prevent double clicking on a submit button? People are double clicking my submit button and there for it is sending two messages. I have never heard of a way to prevent it do you?
Does anyone know how to prevent double clicking on a submit button? When people go to submit they double click it and there for it sends two messages. Does anyone know how to prevent this?
Don,<br><br>I don't know of a way for it to be done outside of JavaScript. Sorry and I know what if feels like to get a job like this done. When I got mine to work I was just playing around and tried something and got it to work. Anyway this is all I know about...
Hey Don,<br><br>Ok I think I know what is wrong. K first on the onClick function is in the wrong place. It should be here:<br><br><input type="checkbox" name="Councillor2" value="JMarvinHunt" onClick="<br> if...
Well this script will make sure that a checkbox and a text field will be valid:<br><br>if (this.Subject.value == '')<br>{<br>alert('Please enter a title for the subject')<br>return false<br>}<br>else if (this.Message.value == '')<br>{<br>alert('Please enter a message')<br>return false<br>}<br>if...
Ok here is what I did with my validation script. I had a list of checkboxes and mulitple text field. So the script I need was to make sure that they had at least on checkbox clicked and some text in the text field. But my the sounds of it you want it so that they...
Don,<br><br>So let me get this straight you want validation for a list of checkboxes and a text field? Cause they need individual validation scripts.
Don,<br><br>I don't think you have have the onClick variable in the script I wrote. There you have to put the name of the checkbox. So in your case you would put "CITY". Now that I think of it I am not sure my script will work cause all of your...
Hey Don,<br><br>Well I started this message string and I hope to stop it. I had the same problem as you. But everyone that messaged came close to making it work. So I had to just write it myself. So here is the script I use to make sure at least one of...
Well, that worked...sort of. See the checkbox selection was fine but the problem is that since all the checkboxes field names are all the same. When you submit it all you get is one selection even if you had mulitple selections. Does anyone know who to modifly...
I want it so that I you click and cetain checkbox that you can't click any other ones. For example say I click the "All" checkbox I don't want users to be able to click then on individual selections. And same goes for if they all ready have clicked on...
It still does not work. Now all it does is skip all my validations. This is what it looks like now:<br><br>ONSUBMIT="<br>if (councillor1.checked)<br>{<br>return true<br>}<br>if (councillor2.checked)<br>{<br>return true<br>}<br>if (councillor3.checked)<br>{<br>return...
Hi,<br><br>My problem is that I need a script that will make sure at least 1 of the 6 checkboxes are selected before being sent. This is the top part of the form, and I have all the other validations working except for the checkboxes. Here is what I have so...
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